Kiki Ko Ele Huli Mahi
An uncultivated taro patch awaiting all who are willing to work. - Pukui, 1983
This ʻolelo noʻeau (wisdom saying from our kupuna, our elders) is to remind us that it takes many people working together to accomplish important work. The “uncultivated taro patch” in this case is the great project of restoring health to our Native Hawaiian peoples and the larger Waimea community as a whole. Financial support is one form of work that is much needed and deeply appreciated.
KOKO has been blessed to receive numerous gifts from caring individuals and agencies throughout our first ten years. Now as we embark on the building of our new and expanded health clinic – Hale o ka Piko – we humbly ask for additional financial support from our community.
A big heart-felt mahalo for your support in cultivating this taro patch with us!
Please click on the links below to make such a donation through this website.
KOKO is a 501c3 non-profit and your donation is tax-deductible to the extent the law permits. We can gladly provide a receipt for your donation if requested.